Taking opportunities

How do you respond to the season you are in? Do you feel able to enjoy it, see its benefits and seize each day as it comes? Or do you find yourself wishing time on or thinking ‘It’ll be better when…..’ ‘I’ll tackle that when I have more time…..’ “I’ll get round to that job next year…’

I certainly have had seasons where I find myself wishing time on, not feeling like I can get much done, especially when the boys were small and at home and I would put home tasks off, thinking that a better time will come when I can achieve them. It’s not often that a ‘better time’ does come, as the next season can also bring new challenges and take our time and energy.

I’ve tried to have ‘opportunity’ as a word for this year. I’ve been telling myself to make time for the some of the things I’ve been meaning to do for ages. And to stop putting things off. To seize the opportunity wherever it arises and to create opportunities to move things along.

There have been practical things like tackling the loft (!) and fun things like visiting friends in different parts of the country and also daunting things like starting a small business. Each of these things have required that I take a step forward to do something and all have had their benefits in different ways.

It’s hard to take that step, make the effort, carve out time, but in all of the above it was certainly worth it.

In some of the situations, I needed to make physical space to aide the creative to grow. Or just make physical space by giving away things that were no longer needed. Either way it certainly felt like a good thing to tick off the list. A lighter load is a lovely thing! In other areas, I was considering priorities, and investing in relationships for the future.

Is there a physical space that would benefit from your attention now? Is there a project that you are putting off for fear it will take too long or you don’t know where to start?

Could you fast forward in your mind to when it’s completed and think about how you might feel once it’s done? You can enjoy and use the new space, instead of it adding to the stress and disorganisation that you feel now. Is there any better time to get started than today?

Can you change that ‘I can’t do that’ to ‘How can I do that?’ and take some steps to seize an opportunity and then enjoy the benefits with your friends and family?

Where could you begin today that will take you a step closer to completing something you’ve been putting off? That cupboard that is always too full? The drawer that doesn’t close? The children’s toys that are taking over the house…….

And if you feel it’s too much to tackle alone, I can always be a helping hand……




In an emergency