A place to rest
Where’s your favourite place to rest in your home? Do you have one? Whilst it would be ideal to feel rested in every room in our home, maybe the goal for today, this week, is to create rest for you and for others in one place.
Choose a room or corner of a room and look around it? Are there some immediate things that can be done to make it less cluttered? Do you have only the things you use or like to look at in this room? Is there visual clutter on the walls or a curated space that brings you joy when you look at it? Some rooms have to work hard and don’t only have one purpose. Even with the room needing to fulfil several roles, is there still a way to reduce what you have in it so that at the end of the day, it’s a quicker process to put things away and to stop and rest?
I enjoy our lounge. It’s small, but definitely helps to bring calm at the end of a busy day. I try to keep things fairly minimal in there, (the size helps), but also it has things that I like to look at on the shelves and walls, things that represent our family and things that bring joy.
If you’d like to create a space that makes the most of what you already have, but don’t know where to begin, please get in touch. We can start that journey together…..